When I finished this novel, I felt something has been left behind. I had been so attached with the characters of the novels that I could not believe my daily life without them. I am very busy person in
my own opinion so I don’t have much time to spend on reading though I am very fond of reading. I used to spend 30-40 minutes daily on reading. So this novel took approx one month to finish, and during this time the Characters like Scarlet, Melaine, Rhett, Ashley and all others became my own relatives, I was living with them getting happy with their happiness, getting sad with their sorrow. This feeling can describe the book, there is no need to go deep into the characters behaviour, the old era, the war details, the farm fields, the political crisis etc,. For a reader like me, the basic thing is that a book can give you whole life is the best book. Scarlet ’O Hara, Rhett were real characters which are always there inside you, so practical, not so over emotional yet human. Just you can’t express yourself as they did and faced social boycott, reasons may be numerous.
Similarly the Ashley and Melaine represent the very human part of human being. So emotional for the beloved ones, Caring, Kind yet so strong and responsible.
The total balance makes this novel a great success.
The best novel I have ever read
my own opinion so I don’t have much time to spend on reading though I am very fond of reading. I used to spend 30-40 minutes daily on reading. So this novel took approx one month to finish, and during this time the Characters like Scarlet, Melaine, Rhett, Ashley and all others became my own relatives, I was living with them getting happy with their happiness, getting sad with their sorrow. This feeling can describe the book, there is no need to go deep into the characters behaviour, the old era, the war details, the farm fields, the political crisis etc,. For a reader like me, the basic thing is that a book can give you whole life is the best book. Scarlet ’O Hara, Rhett were real characters which are always there inside you, so practical, not so over emotional yet human. Just you can’t express yourself as they did and faced social boycott, reasons may be numerous.
Similarly the Ashley and Melaine represent the very human part of human being. So emotional for the beloved ones, Caring, Kind yet so strong and responsible.
The total balance makes this novel a great success.
The best novel I have ever read
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