Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Time Warp

She lifts her cup of coffee
Looks at me..
Her lips are silent..
But eyes are talking ....

Just around the dusk
There is a cover of cloud in horizon.
Everything around me is dark.
But her eyes are shining.

Ignoring my train of thoughts
I say something stupid.
She shrugs off my words..
But I know she is laughing ....

This moment is the moment
I don't want it to end.
I could live in it forever..
I hope it becomes the time warp.
But things will go back to usual.
And this will never last.

Now I'll go back where I was
Fighting the days
Daring the nights
In search of that moment again..
When no-one sang a song..
But our breaths were rhyming....

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