Wednesday, January 22, 2020


I see him sleeping on a bench
at the train station next to my home
I haven't seen him awake.
Neither the whistles of constant streaming trains
nor the work talks
of working people wake him up
But one day he stood up
and shouted at people
his eyes were red,
maybe because of excessive sleeping.
His words were not clear 
but the pain in his eyes was real.
Everybody was confused around him
his words weren't making any sense
And that agitated him even more.
I went to him and offered him some water
and an old granola bar from my bag. 
He ate the granola bar in 2 bites
and drank all the water from my 32 oz hydro flask bottle.
He smiled at me,
there was no more pain in his eyes,
He was not shouting anymore.
He looked at me and at everybody 
at that train station for 2 minutes,
mumbled few words
and went back to his sleep again.
I now give him food and water everyday
to see the pain in his eyes disappear.

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